We’ve officially entered the holiday season. For many, the holidays are a blend of excitement, joy, and stress. Many of us will be experiencing the holidays with our families from afar. We will be talking to them on camera which can bring its own dimension of pressure. But have no fear, I come bearing tips to look and feel your best on camera this holiday season. But first, we must address...
There’s something negatively impacting our lives on even deeper levels. It’s happening right in front of our eyes. We actually let it happen. This slippery foe not only affects how you look, but it also affects you physiologically. It affects your mind. It affects your emotions. It can even affect your outlook on your whole life. And many of us have been letting it have its way with our lives for the better part of this year.
Fortunately, there’s a cure. It simply takes acknowledging it and taking some action to reverse it. And you can do this before you turn on Zoom and face your family this holiday season.
What is this vitality sucking foe?
It’s letting yourself go.
Not caring about how you feel.
Not caring about how you look.
Just letting life take you on the winding path it wants versus you being the captain of your own beautiful life raft.
In one word, Frumpitis.
Oh, it sure felt great at first this past March when you first heard that you didn’t have to leave your house to go to work. It was freeing to show up on work Zoom calls wearing a presentable blouse and pajama bottoms with toothpaste on them. It was glorious to eat peanut butter on a spoon for lunch...until it wasn’t.
I realized that the comfy bubble of spending my days in plum-colored yoga pants with a baggy t-shirt on while munching madeleines and sipping tea hasn’t been the most productive way to outwardly portray myself. The emotional effect of not investing in my outward appearance hit me hard. It’s not outward. It’s inward!
Once I woke up to my own frumpiness, I realized my internal beam of light, my greatest asset as a woman, wasn’t shining as bright and vibrant as it had in the past. The drive to get up and ready for my day wasn’t the same either. My whole outlook on life had changed from bright and shiny to dull and faded. That’s when I decided to invest energy in how I look and feel every day...even if I don’t leave the house. You can too.
Here is a simple checklist to look your best before you sit down in front of your camera for the holidays.
Put thought into what you wear. Just like the burst of energy you get from wearing your favorite dress to lunch with your girlfriend or a date, putting thought into what you wear before you get on camera will give you the same feeling of joy and vitality. Yes, even if you are sitting next to that pile of laundry off camera.
Put thought into the setting around you. Yes, it may seem like you are just talking to your mother and father in Kansas, but on camera, you are the star of your video. The scenery supports you to shine brightly. Take some time to think about what will be seen around you. Clear away the dirty dishes, light a candle or, light a fire, and let your beautiful surroundings support you to be beautiful.
Put thought into the lighting. Lighting sets the mood and casts light or shadows on your face. It can be soul-crushing to see yourself on camera in harsh or shadowy lights. Make sure it’s soft but enough light that your eyes can be seen. Sitting in front of a window if it’s day or a fire if it’s night will create a natural glow without magnifying boo-boos in your skin.
Take the time for your favorite skincare rituals. The past several months have been stressful for all of us. It’s hard to remember to focus on your skin routine when people are dying and are so divided. It’s vital to make yourself your #1 priority even in times like these. When you invest thought into taking care of yourself you have more of yourself to bring to any situation. And your skin can glow when it’s not thirsty.
Put on some makeup. Even if you’re a natural no-make-up kinda gal, it’s helpful to put on some makeup when you are on camera. There’s something about the lens that zaps your face of color. In fact, apply approx 30% more than what you’d wear off-camera. You’ll be surprised that it’ll look like you’re not wearing makeup. You’ll just look bright and full of energy.
Make sure you’re feeling and looking your best. This step is vital whether you're on camera or going to the grocery store. How you feel and how you feel about how you look are vital to the energy that you have to experience your life.
That’s one of the reasons we offer medical-grade spa services to support your inner and outer terrain. It’s not just about looks or vanity. It’s how you face the world. If you’re dragging because you haven’t been able to focus on your nutrition like you’d want to, schedule an IV the day before your family call.
If your face is looking angry because of the lines between your brows and you’re tired of people asking you what’s wrong when there’s nothing wrong, a touch of neuromodulator (typically known as Botox, or Dysport in our office) will soften them almost overnight. You’ll be surprised how the people on the other side of the camera will say how refreshed you look. You’ll be surprised at how great you will look and feel.
If you find yourself holding up your cheeks at a stoplight or pushing the “touch up my appearance” setting on Zoom, I recommend dermal filler. Dermal filler is made to fill your losses (sunken areas) in your fat pads as we age. It’s a great quick way to receive natural and fast results in time for the holidays. Don’t wait until the last minute to book. As a rule of thumb, schedule an appointment for neuromodulator or fillers 10-14 days before your video call.
And since you are not going to be spending money on travel or an outfit for the holiday party, why not treat yourself? To help you with those lines, this month we are offering a sweet special on Dysport.
So there’s your checklist for looking your best on camera facing your family this holiday season. Just these 6 simple to do steps will make all the difference with your holiday videos calls. Plus, they are a whole lot easier than all the normal holiday hustle and bustle. And if you opt for a neuromodulator or fillers, your results will last well into next year.